Rosy pink grapefruit and pomegranate marmalade recipe

(7 ratings)

This is the perfect time of year to start making marmalade. Add a twist to your marmalade by using pink grapefruit and pomegranate juice instead of oranges. Perfect for spreading on toast or adding to your cooking.

  • healthy
Makes2.5kg (5lb)
Preparation Time30 mins
Cooking Time1 hours 40 mins
Total Time2 hours 10 mins
Cost RangeCheap
Nutrition Per PortionRDA
Calories50 Kcal3%

Add a twist to your marmalade by using pink grapefruit and pomegranate juice instead of oranges. Perfect for spreading on toast or adding to your cooking


  • 2 pink grapefruit
  • 1 lemon
  • 710ml bottle pomegranate juice
  • 2kg (4lb) jam sugar




  1. Wash the pink grapefruit and lemon. Cut the fruits in half and then into wedges and slice them thinly, removing any pips. Tie the pips in a muslin bag. Put a couple of small plates in the freezer
  2. Make the pomegranate juice up to 1 litre (1¾ pints) with water and pour it into a preserving pan or large pan. Add the grapefruit, lemon and the bag of pips. Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer gently, uncovered, for 1-1½ hours, or until the peel is very tender and disintegrates when pressed between the finger and thumb.
  3. Remove pan from the heat, and add the sugar and stir well. Return pan to a low heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Increase the heat and boil the marmalade rapidly for 7-10 mins, until setting point 105°C is reached (gauge with a sugar thermometer).
  4. Remove the pan from heat, put a little marmalade on one of the cold plates and return it to the freezer for a few minutes. Remove the plate from freezer and press the jam: if the surface wrinkles the marmalade is ready. If not, boil for a few more minutes, then check again the same way.
  5. Once setting point has been reached, skim off any scum and leave the marmalade to cool for 10-15 mins before pouring it into warmed, sterilised jars. Place a wax disc on top, wax-side down, pressing it down so there are no air bubbles under the paper. Leave to cool before covering the jars with lids or cellophane.
Top Tip for making Rosy pink grapefruit and pomegranate marmalade

The marmalade will keep in a cool, dry place for 3-6 months.


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