10 love-life commandments!

Follow our expert relationship advice and give your love-life a complete MOT!

Relationship advice
(Image credit: Rex)

Follow our expert relationship advice and give your love-life a complete MOT!

It may sound like a cliché but it's all about the quality of the time you and your partner spend together rather than the quantity. Have a good think about when you actually spend time with your fella - what do you do together and what would you like more of? Relationship advice: Share more common interests! Whether it's going for walks, taking up a hobby together, or just unwinding at the end of the day with a glass of wine and a chat, make sure you make more time for being together! Try these date ideas

2. You shall give each other space!

Just as important as spending quality time together is making sure you're not under each others' feet all the time! You both need your space to peacefully live together and understanding when the other person just wants to be alone is such an important part of your relationship (not to mention great for avoiding arguments!).

Relationship advice: Communicate with each other - make it clear when you just want to be alone, and help your partner understand that it's okay for you both to have some me-time.

3. You shall have more sex!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

Are you both satisfied in the bedroom department? There's plenty of ways to keep things fresh and frisky between the sheets, the secret is not to be scared to talk about it with your partner!

Relationship advice: Relax with your partner and over a glass of wine tell him the things you'd like to do with him in bed. Tell him what he does that you like, and what you want him to do. Ask him if there's anything he'd like you to do - it's all great foreplay and will get you both into better habits this year! Try these hot sex tips

4. You shall share lots of laughs!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

A couple who laughs together, stays together! Sharing a sense of humour is one of the foundations of your relationship and is probably the thing that attracted you both to each other in the first place! It's not always easy to see the funny side of things, but if you both make an effort to laugh together more you'll find the giggles come naturally.

Relationship advice: Remind each other of funny experiences you've shared, be playful, rekindle your in-jokes, and create some new laughs by spending quality time together!

5. You shall do fun things together!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

It's a fact, we all need things to look forward to. It's so easy to get bogged down with the worries and stresses of daily life but making plans and giving yourself treats is a great way to get through the week.

Relationship advice: Sit down with your fella and chat about the things you'd both like to do together. Get your calendar out and write them in! And they needn't be things that cost the earth, from picnics and boating, to cinema and walks, make sure you do at least one or two fun things a month!

6. You shall indulge in fantasies!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

Shake off the mindset that being in a long-term relationship means same-old, same-old sex. In fact, being in a relationship means you're free to be as experimental and adventurous as you like with a partner who just wants to pleasure you! So make the most of this and indulge in your wildest fantasies...

Relationship advice: Have a romantic dinner together and both write down the wildest fantasy you have (within reason of course). Swap your bits of paper and then when you next have sex, make each others' fantasies a reality. And don't be shy, it's definitely worth it! Try these foreplay tips

7. You shall never argue again!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

Okay, so this might be a bit of a tall order and while it's rare to find a couple who don't row, there are ways to avoid arguments and prevent them from escalating. It's important to accept the things which make you and your partner different - even if they drive you crazy sometimes! Follow our rules of arguing in a relationship to help you cope with any potential conflicts

Relationship advice: Try tacking the general bickering or silly disagreements first, then start to address the bigger problem areas. If necessary don't be afraid to seek professional help - it could really help to get an outsider's advice.

8. You shall keep things exciting!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

We all get a bit set in our ways in relationships, so it's really important to keep things interesting! Whether it's having your own little traditions like breakfast in bed on Sundays or a massage on Fridays, relationship treats shouldn't be something you just do on anniversaries or birthdays.

Relationship advice: Start treating your partner more often! It doesn't need to be anything fancy, from cooking his fave meals to taking him to the footie, nice surprises will inject a bit more excitement into your relationship and bring you both a lot closer. And you'll inspire him to return the favours! Romance tips

9. You shall make your bedroom a love-nest!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

Clear away the clutter and hoover up the dustbunnies! To keep your love-life on track, make sure your bedroom is a haven of tranquility and love and not a dumping ground for his dirty pants and socks! Having a nice space to enjoy some intimacy with your fella is great for your sex life.

Relationship advice: Try redecorating your bedroom or just having a big clear-out every so often. Even adding a few touches like some candles or cushions can help! Make sure your bedroom is a space you both feel comfortable and sexy in and enjoy spending time in there together.

10. You shall make time to talk!

Relationship advice

(Image credit: Rex)

Do you sometimes feel that you're talking to a brick wall? It goes without saying that talking in relationships really matters, but this doesn't mean you should have deep conversations all the time, having light-hearted and chatty banter is just as important and will really help improve things between you.

Relationship advice: It may sound obvious but do you ask each other questions? Make more regular time to talk and catch up with each other! Find out what's going on at work, with friends and family, and try and learn new things about each other. Unwind together over a drink or a meal. Talking tips

Where to next?

- More relationship advice!

- Sex tips


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