What happens to your body one hour after eating a Big Mac will shock you!

Will this revealing infographic put you off the famous burger?

Newsflash: The famous McDonald's Big Mac isn't good for us.

Okay okay, we might have already known that. But are you completely sure you know exactly how bad a Big Mac is for you? Because the shocking truth of what happens to your body one hour after eating the popular burger might put you off for life. Especially when you consider that health experts from the website Fast Food Menu Price say that a Big Mac sparks your brain's reward system the same way as a drug like cocaine...

Based on similar research from The Renegade Pharmacist on the potential damage that Diet Coke and Coca Cola could have on your body, the telling infographic reveals what happens to your body after 10, 20, 30, 40 and then 60 minutes of eating the burger. And the results are worrying!

Big Mac fan? The truth of what happens to your body after eating one will shock you!

After 10 minutes

The 540-calorie Big Mac will instantly raise your blood sugar to abnormal levels. You'll feel good initially, because junk food triggers your brain's reward system by releasing 'feel good' chemicals, such as dopamine. The process works in a similar way to the reaction you'd get after taking a drug like cocaine and raises the likelihood of compulsive eating.

After 20 minutes

The Big Mac's bun has high levels of high-fructose corn syrup and sodium - both of these are addictive and will make your body crave more.

After 30 minutes

Thanks to the 970 milligrams of sodium in the Big Mac, you'll start to feel dehydrated. Because dehydration can be mistaken for feeling hungry, this could trick your body into thinking it needs more food. Your kidneys have trouble eliminating the salt, and your heart has to work faster to pump blood through your veins, which can cause high blood pressure and can lead to heart disease and stroke.

After 40 minutes

When you eat a meal with a lot of calories, your body's insulin response can bring down your glucose levels, causing you to want to eat more. The bun's high-fructose corn syrup is quickly absorbed by your GI tract, creating insulin spikes and even bigger hunger pangs.

After 60 minutes Your body usually takes between 24 to 72 hours to digest food, but the Big Mac takes a lot longer because of how greasy they are. In fact they can take more than three days to fully digest. It takes approximately 51 days to digest trans fat, and a Big Mac contains 1.5 gram trans fat.

What happens one hour after eating a Big Mac?

Image: fastfoodmenuprice.com

What do you think - will this change your Mc Donald's habits? Or do you not mind if it's a treat? Let us know in the comments below!